Jewish Federation Assistance Programs

Jewish Family Services provides help to those less fortunate. One of the primary goals of the Jewish Federation assistance programs is to address the needs of vulnerable populations within the community.

The Federation has hundreds of local nonprofit organizations that provide everything from free food to Meals on Wheels, emergency financial assistance, counseling services, referrals and more.

The Jewish Assistance Fund has been providing grants to people who are struggling to put food on the table, clothe themselves and their children, pay rent and utilities, and access medical care, expensive prescriptions, dentures, and hearing aids.

Find a federal Jewish center near you to learn more about services offered. All provide social services and some type of emergency assistance to all qualified low-income individuals as well as seniors in the region, this includes providing financial assistance to individuals and families facing economic hardship, such as unemployment, housing insecurity or medical expenses.

Jewish Federation Assistance Programs Near You

The Jewish Federation assistance programs offers multiple assistance such as emergency funds, food assistance programs, and financial assistance.

Some Jewish Federation Family Services organizations near you may limit attendance to only Jewish members of the community. Any type of funds are usually paid through other local charities or non-profits that the federation partners with.

The type of assistance will also vary. Locations may have financial assistance for basic needs such as rent, utilities, food, or medication. Other Jewish Family Services (JFS) will only offer referrals to nonprofits or charities with which they are associated.

Jewish Federation Assistance Programs
Jewish Federation Assistance Programs

Jewish Family Services near you

On-site caseworkers will help those who want to understand and apply for federal or state government benefits. The centers can be a great place to learn about and obtain applications for assistance programs, including LIHEAP, public housing, SNAP food stamps, SSI section, disability, and more.

Jewish Family Services senior assistance programs near you are wide-ranging and in most locations. This is for the elderly, homebound, people in nursing homes, and the poor. Providing help to seniors is always a goal of the Jewish Federations of North America.

They provide comprehensive case management in local offices and sometimes in the homes of elderly members. One of the most requested programs is LIHEAP. This is administered in each state. The federation or foundation organization may assist income-qualified customers with applications for the federally funded Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

Jewish Foundation Financial Assistance Programs

Many Jewish Federation locations offer meals on wheels programs for seniors and the homebound. Sometimes this is done in partnership with other charities such as the Salvation Army. The foundation-funded program will deliver low-cost hot meals daily to homebound people.

The charity offers some emergency financial assistance for families and individuals in need. Jewish Family Services also offers loans, most of which are interest-free. This means that the borrower only needs to pay the principal.

Elderly patients discharged from a nursing home or hospital who need short- and long-term care can receive help obtaining any rehabilitation services. Citizens often need nutritional support, such as Ensure or Boost, and the Jewish Federation attempts to meet those needs, regardless of a person’s religion or faith.

Free food banks, grocery vouchers, nutritional consultations, and SNAP applications may also be offered from a Jewish Federation assistance program near you. They work to end hunger in the states and cities where they operate. This includes free meals or groceries for homeless, poor, and low-income people.

Types of Assistance Programs Offered

Jewish Family Services senior assistance programs near you are wide-ranging and in most locations. This is for the elderly, homebound, people in nursing homes, and the poor. Providing help to seniors is always a focus of the Jewish Federations of North America.

Financial assistance

The Jewish Federation Locations may have financial assistance for basic needs such as rent, utilities, food, or medication. Other Jewish Family Services (JFS) will only offer referrals to nonprofits or charities with which they are associated.

Social services

On-site caseworkers will help those who want to understand and apply for federal or state government benefits. The centers can be a great place to learn about and obtain applications for assistance programs, including LIHEAP, public housing, SNAP food stamps, SSI section, disability, and more.

Food assistance programs

Jewish federations often offer food assistance programs to support individuals and families within the Jewish community experiencing food insecurity. They operate different food banks, food pantries, and Christmas and holiday meal assistance programs.

Housing Assistance Programs

Jewish federations often offer housing assistance programs to support low income individuals and families. They also provide emergency homeless shelter, housing counseling, and financial assistance to pay rent and prevent homelessness. They plan and implement social services and assistance programs in the areas of housing, health, nutrition and more.

Community support programs

JFS loans are generally open to people of all faiths and even borrowers with poor credit, but some places restrict funds to only the Jewish community.

Senior Services

JFS also helps people find work from home. This focuses on vulnerable people, such as older people, disabled people or single mothers who also need to care for their children.

Education and youth programs

Education may include English as a Second Language (ESL). This is usually offered by the national charity on multiple levels. It is for people, including immigrants, who want to improve their English language skills.

Job assistance

JFS also helps people find work from home. This focuses on vulnerable people, such as older people, disabled people or single mothers who also need to care for their children. Others can also look into programs, but opportunities to work remotely from home are limited.

Locations of the Jewish Federations assistance programs near you

As noted, the JFS centers near you listed below generally work with other state or county nonprofits and foundations. Those other organizations or charities will often accept and process applications for financial aid, employment programs, food, and other types of support. For additional information or referrals, call a location near you.

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