Churches That Help With Hotel Rooms Near Me - Get Free Hotel Stays

Churches That Help With Hotel Rooms Near Me – Get Free Hotel Stays

Churches That Help With Hotel Rooms Near Me

In times of crisis, finding temporary shelter can be a challenge. Many churches and faith-based organizations offer assistance with hotel stays to individuals and families in need. These programs often provide crucial support for those facing homelessness, domestic violence, or economic hardship.

This guide explores churches and organizations that assist with hotel rooms, how to access their services, and additional resources available to help those in need.

Churches That Help With Hotel Rooms Near Me - Get Free Hotel Stays
Churches That Help With Hotel Rooms Near Me – Get Free Hotel Stays

Churches That Help with Hotel Rooms Near Me

When faced with a housing crisis, finding immediate shelter can be a daunting task. Fortunately, several churches offer assistance with hotel rooms and motel vouchers to those in need. Here are some churches that provide this valuable support:

1. The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is known for its charitable activities, which include offering hotel vouchers to people in emergency situations. They provide temporary hotel accommodations when their shelters are full or when certain circumstances arise, such as a family danger.

The Salvation Army operates across the country and is known for offering housing assistance. Many locations provide funding for temporary hotel stays, especially when shelters are full. Assistance varies by location and resources.

Visit the nearest Salvation Army office or call their helpline. Be prepared to provide identification and explain your current situation.

2. Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities is another major organization that offers hotel assistance as part of its emergency services.

Catholic charities, associated with the Catholic Church, offer various types of support, including hotel vouchers for homeless people, families, survivors of domestic violence, and people displaced by disasters. Locate the nearest Catholic Charities office and ask about emergency housing assistance.

3. United Methodist Church

Some United Methodist churches offer emergency hotel vouchers as part of their social services. They help homeless individuals and families by offering temporary housing in nearby hotels.

Many United Methodist churches operate emergency assistance programs. These programs sometimes include funding for hotel stays.

Contact your local United Methodist congregation or its social services branch. Assistance is often dependent on available funding.

4. Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Church is involved in community ministries, including providing hotel vouchers to those in need. They work with other churches and local charities to ensure that people experiencing serious housing problems get assistance.

5. Lutheran Social Services

Lutheran Social Services offers a number of emergency services, including hotel accommodations for homeless people and families in need. They strive to ensure that homeless people can secure a place to stay in a hotel for some time.

6. Baptist Churches

Many Baptist churches also offer hotel vouchers to those in need, especially in times of crisis.

7. Presbyterian Church

Presbyterian churches often provide emergency housing assistance, including hotel vouchers, to those facing homelessness or other urgent housing needs.

8. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church)

The LDS Church provides hotel vouchers and other forms of assistance to those in need, reflecting its commitment to helping those less fortunate.

Eligibility Requirements to Get Free Hotel Rooms from Churches

Each church or organization has specific eligibility criteria for assistance. Typically, the following are required:

  • Proof of identity (government-issued ID)
  • Documentation of financial hardship
  • Explanation of immediate need for housing
  • Willingness to participate in follow-up programs

Types of Hotel Assistance Provided by Churches for Homeless

Churches that help with hotels offer you these types of stays:

Temporary Hotel Stays

The local churches work hand in hand with hotels to offer temporary shelters to those who are in an emergency such as families. Such stays range from several days to several weeks depending on the circumstances.

Long-term Housing Solutions

Sometimes, churches may provide longer hotel stays, especially for people who are coming from the streets and are now in the process of being placed in permanent housing. This may be as part of a larger package that may also encompass employment readiness and financial literacy.

Emergency Shelter During Natural Disasters

In natural disasters, for instance, churches are often at the forefront of mobilizing shelter for the affected persons. This may include providing shelter in hotels when other shelters are congested or inaccessible.

Support for Domestic Violence Survivors

Some churches hotel stay to the victims of domestic violence by providing them with a safe and anonymous shelter as they look for a permanent solution.

How to Find Churches That Help with Hotel Stays?

Here are the ways to find churches that help with hotel stays. Use these ways and find a free hotel stay near your location.

Contact Local Churches Directly

Start by reaching out to churches in your area. Many churches offer emergency assistance, including hotel vouchers, especially to individuals and families facing immediate housing crises. Call or visit the churches to inquire about their services.

Use Online Search Tools

Online directories like “211” and “Homeless Shelter Directory” can help you locate churches that offer hotel stays. Simply enter your location and search for emergency assistance or hotel vouchers to find nearby churches.

Visit Church-Based Charity Organizations

Churches, such as Catholic Charities, The Salvation Army, and Lutheran Social Services, often provide hotel vouchers as part of their emergency assistance programs. Visit their websites or local offices to get help.

Ask for Referrals

If you are already connected with a church or any community based organization, do not hesitate to ask them for your help. Most churches collaborate with other local religious institutions to provide all-around assistance, including accommodation.

Visit Social Media and Community Forums

Some churches advertise their services on social media platforms or the local community bulletin boards. Like the churches in your area on Facebook or join Nextdoor and search for posts regarding emergency housing help.

By using these strategies, you can find churches in your area that offer help with hotel stays, providing temporary shelter during a difficult time.

How do you apply for a free hotel stay?

To apply for a free hotel stay, you can follow these steps:

  • Contact local charities: Contact charities such as the Salvation Army, Red Cross, or Catholic Charities, as they occasionally offer vouchers for free disaster accommodation.
  • Apply for assistance programs: Contact local government offices or nonprofit organizations that provide emergency accommodation, which may include hotels.
  • Use hotel loyalty programs: Some hotel chains allow guests to stay for free through loyalty points or promotions. Sign up and save points for next time.
  • Reach out to churches: Some churches offer emergency accommodation, including hotels, to those in need.


Churches play a crucial role in providing emergency housing assistance to those in need. By reaching out to these organizations, you can access hotel vouchers and other forms of support to help you get through a housing crisis. Please feel free to reach out to your local churches for assistance if you are facing an urgent housing situation.

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